Doggie Daycare

from $3.50

At Mission Valley Critter Sitter we have separate yards that will be equipped with doghouses, plenty of water, space, toys and friends to spend the day with. The dogs are split into groups according to their individual needs and personalities.
Prices may vary in accordance with needs of your dog(s).

Day Care:
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Rates Explained

If the day is more than 10 hours you will be charged boarding fees, excluding extenuating circumstances.

If you prepay by week or bi-weekly you can use the days over time, they do not have to be consecutive. A membership is assumed that your dog will spend ~10 hours a day, 5 days a week with us here at Mission Valley Critter Sitter, LLC.

Hourly: $2.50/hr Due at the end of the day.

Prepay Weekly: $100/week

Prepay Bi-weekly: $200/2 wks

Membership: $600/month